Why The Big Payback matters, even if you don’t live in Middle Tennessee

Recently, I’ve been posting a ton of stuff on social media about the upcoming event The Big Payback, which is the local “day of giving” for the Middle Tennessee region. I’m very excited to be working with The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee to help train nonprofits on how to leverage this online giving day to increase their social media presence and cultivate donor relationships! But even if you don’t live in Middle Tennessee, I want you to get excited about the Big Payback too, because The Big Payback podcast episodes I’m creating (coming out in March & April!) can still benefit your organization.

Here are 5 reasons for non-Tennessee nonprofits to look forward to The Big Payback:

1. You may be eligible to take part in The Big Payback!

Nonprofits which don’t have their headquarters located in Middle Tennessee can still participate in the Big Payback if they have an EIN for a Middle Tennessee branch. For example, Big Brothers Big Sisters is based in Tampa, Florida, but BBBS of Middle Tennessee is located here and always does an amazing job with The Big Payback.

2. Your city/region may have its own local Day of Giving.

If you have something similar to the Big Payback in your area (such as The Big Give in San Antonio, Give to Lincoln Day, or AZ Gives Day), you can glean campaign ideas from The Big Payback participants. Usually local days of giving are hosted by your local community foundation. I encourage you to reach out to your community foundation and find out if there’s a local giving day in your area you can take advantage of!

3. Every nonprofit can take part in Giving Tuesday, the global day of giving.

If you don’t have a local day of giving, you can still participate in the annual global day of giving--Giving Tuesday! The upcoming podcast episodes about The Big Payback may help you get some ideas on how to create your Giving Tuesday campaign.

4. The Big Payback is all about social media fundraising.

If you feel like your nonprofit organization could improve its social media fundraising strategy, these podcast episodes will be golden for you. The Big Payback helps Middle Tennessee nonprofits prioritize their social media performance because they have the opportunity to win extra grant money if they can stir up enough social media buzz. Learn from their experiments to kickstart your own social planning!

5. Your local community foundation may be able to take inspiration from The Big Payback!

Many cities and regions don’t have a local day of giving, or they simply create a localized Giving Tuesday campaign (such as GAgives). Even if your area does have a local online giving day, your community foundation may be able to get ideas from The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee’s amazing PR strategy, prizes, and training resources for nonprofits. Encourage them to check out The Big Payback website for inspiration.

Have I made you excited to listen to the exclusive The Big Payback podcast episodes?

Be sure you subscribe to the Nonprofit Jenni Show now so you won’t miss them when they drop!